Please Visit the new North Ogden City website
for current information:
Read through our course pre-requisites to see which class is right for your child.
Download the Lesson Guide HERE
or click the images to view
2015 Registration Begins: ...........................................................March 30th, 2015
Registration Fee: ...................................................$47.00 per individual
Discounted Fee (North Ogden Residents): ........$32.00 per individual
2015 Session Dates (8 classes, 30 min each, Monday-Thursday Classes):
Session 1: .......................................June 1 – June 11
Session 2: .......................................June 15 – June 25
Session 3: .......................................July 6 – July 16
Session 4: .......................................July 20 – July 30
Session 5: .......................................August 3 – August 13
Saturday Only Classes (4 classes, 40 min each)
June: .....................................June 6 -27
July: .....................................July 11 - Aug 1
We now offer Junior Lifeguard & Lifeguard Merit Badge classes.
Sign up today!!!
Both the lap pool and leisure pool are kept at 85 degrees throughout the summer. Swimming lessons will be held, even if the outside air is chilly.
Both the lap pool and leisure pool are kept at 85 degrees throughout the summer. Swimming lessons will be held, even if the outside air is chilly.