

Please Visit the new North Ogden City website for current information:

Click a position to view the Job Description

2015 Application period is February 23 - March 23.

How to apply for a job at North Shore Aquatic Center.

   1.  Get Certified (Lifeguards)

Register for an American Red Cross Lifeguarding Course

2.  Pick up, fill out, and return a job application (Job Descriptions Above)

Completed Applications can be emailed to

or brought to

North Ogden Parks and Recreation
2705 N. 550 E.
North Ogden, UT 84414
(801) 737-0587

Please take the following steps:

1. Download and Save the application to your desktop
2. Re-open the application file after saving and fill out the application
3. Re-save and upload to an email or print off the application and bring it in

By following these steps you will avoid sending us a blank application.  When you fill out the information before downloading and saving the application it will erase your information when you try to save it directly from the website.

3.  Attend Tryouts (Lifeguards) - This is MANDATORY for all lifeguard applicants.

         Ogden High School Pool

Returning Guards:
Saturday, March 28th, 2015
8:30am – 11:00am

New Lifeguards:
Saturday, April 4th, 2015
                        8:30am – 11:00am

Questions?  Contact us HERE.